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Chia Fruit Pudding Bowl

Chia Fruit Pudding Bowl This edible stained glass creation marries the exotic creaminess of coconut with chia's magical textural alchemy. Luscious mango cubes burst with sunshine sweetness against the neutral canvas, while passionfruit seeds provide thrilling pops of acidity. An omega-3 powerhouse disguised as dessert.

Basic Information

5 mins prep + 4hrs chill
Total Time


  • 6 tbsp chia seeds
  • 400ml light coconut milk
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 2 passionfruits
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 20g toasted coconut flakes


  1. Whisk chia seeds with coconut milk and vanilla in jar
  2. Refrigerate minimum 4 hours (or overnight)
  3. Dice mango, scoop passionfruit pulp
  4. Layer pudding with fruits in serving bowls
  5. Top with coconut flakes

Nutrition Facts per serving

  • Calories: 250
  • Fiber: 15g
  • Omega-3: 4.9g
  • Vitamin C: 80% DV
  • Natural Sugars: 18g


For instant pudding:

  • Use ½ cup chia seeds per 2 cups liquid
  • Shake jar vigorously every 10 mins first hour
  • Add mashed banana for natural sweetness